When these agencies operate on federal tracks, clearly, we can have authority over them. Everyone who is currently operating on those tracks will be required to have an operating certificate.
To answer the question you asked a little earlier, if the act is amended and we have the power to adopt the regulations, we must first, as part of our internal process, sit down with all the stakeholders, including the Agence métropolitaine de transport, GO Transit and the West Coast Express. Mr. Julian had asked for more information about those three agencies.
Once the regulations have been adopted, people have two years to comply with them. So, everything is in place so that people can be consulted properly, and they can have an opportunity to share their concerns with us. Once the regulations are in effect, we give people two years to submit what needs to be submitted.
The regulations also make it possible to adapt the operating certificate to their type of operations and even to exempt them completely. For example, if the three commuter transporters show that they use very good rules and that they use the North American criteria of APTA in the United States, they might be exempted from having an operating certificate because reassurances have been made. In fact, we have spoken with them, and we see that everything is in place to ensure that this works.