The railway operating certificate will be defined by regulation. The regulation will clearly define the way it's going to be laid out and what they need to have in place.
There's already a provision under proposed paragraph 17.9(1)(c) that allows us to exempt persons or class of railway from the operating certificate. So there's already a possibility that if, for whatever reason, depending on what is being brought before us, we could say a certain class of railway.... For instance, maybe urban transit authorities do not need to have a railway operating certificate because we do have a level of confidence that they're operating very safely. On the other hand, the rest of the act would apply.
As Mr. Watson said, when some of the urban transit authorities testified, they said they enjoyed their relationship with Transport and they had no issues for us to inspect them, to audit them. I told them about the possibility of administrative monetary penalties that we would have to give to CN or CP, and in turn CN and CP would go to them, they told me, “No problem, give it to us right away.” But we can't do that without this tool.
Somehow, it seems that they are willing to comply with everything we have in place, but not the railway operating certificate.