Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Madam Tadros, I hope you'll forgive the slight levity of the last couple of interventions by government members. They take a great delight in trying to colour everything according to partisanship, but sometimes they succeed in injecting humour.
We're on a serious plane here, and since you gave an indication that governments have given you a sense they will act on about 60% of your recommendations, those recommendations keep coming up over and over again, so there must be some recommendations that are palatable and some that are not.
I said in a light moment that the issue about the runways surely is an easy one to fix. If something is falling off the runway at Pearson airport, get a few hundred cement trucks and extend the runway. That can't be all that difficult. What regulation is impeding that easy solution? After all, all kinds of infrastructure money is looking for a home.