What we've done is this. The approved budget is the 2011 to 2020 one of $7.8 billion, with a shortfall of $2.3 billion. We are in the process of working through our 2012 to 2021 capital budget and in the process of deferring some of that work. As I mentioned earlier, we are cutting our streetcar order by 15 cars, and we're not going to buy the last 10 Toronto rockets that we need. We're not going to replace the signal system on the Bloor-Danforth subway with an automatic train control system, but with a conventional system.
The short answer is no. The state of good repair will not suffer: the rails will be replaced and the signal system will be replaced. But there are opportunities to meet the growth needs that will not be met or won't be satisfied unless we get more funding.
Our challenge in the short term is to reduce that $2.3 million shortfall as much as we can. We can't get it to zero. That goes to my comment earlier that we have streetcar payments to make and a maintenance storage facility to pay for but are not sure how that's going to happen.
No, we're not going to run an unsafe system. We never have. Things like signals and track will always be replaced. We're not going to have a state of good repair issue, but we are deferring and pushing out...and hoping that in a number of years we'll be able to buy those additional cars and replace the signal system with a proper system. Our challenge in the short term is to defer as much as we can without affecting the safety of the system.