That's an operating and capital question. When we look at any project that we've proposed to meet a growth need on a corridor, such as what we're talking about now, we always project ridership demand on that corridor at the time and 20 or 30 years out. We'll always have a revenue-cost ratio in mind. It's not going to be as high today as it will be in the future with additional ridership on that corridor.
TTC's average ridership growth or revenue-cost ratio is high on a world scale. We don't set a standard by which it must be met. We don't have land use planning demands as part of that. We already know that the corridors being proposed for higher order transit are our heaviest routes and that there's a high ridership capacity on those routes.
We want to make sure that when we plan, build, and operate those services, these services will not have a negative impact on our revenue-cost ratio. We don't do revenue-cost ratios route by route. We can break that down and allocate revenue and cost by route. We do that work, and that's the kind of work we do when we look at corridors, just as you're asking in your question.
We already start with our heaviest routes and those are the routes that we put the higher order transit on. They're already our best performing routes to start with or we wouldn't recommend them.