I think the answer to that question would be that it depends on the outcome for the City of Toronto. We're certainly not opposed to the gas tax funding. We're not opposed to the project funding; we've had a lot of that in the last number of years.
There are a lot of ways in which our needs can be met. There are a lot of ways in which transit systems' funding needs can be satisfied. I'm not here today to suggest to you what answer you may choose for the national transit strategy. It really depends on whether it will help meet the TTC meets its demand for more funding. We're having the same conversation with the Province of Ontario because we clearly need their support as well.
So whether it's dedicated long-term, sustainable gas tax funding--which may be part of a pool or a pool of its own--or project funding, I'll leave that to you. It really depends on whether that translates into more support than we currently have from federal revenue.