You have played a role in the funding of public transit. I might turn it around and say I think you clearly have a role in helping the big cities of Canada be more efficient. One of the biggest challenges we face in Toronto today is the slower travel times. We spend money every year putting more service on the street to carry the same number of people, because it is becoming more congested every year.
So transit is the answer to that. There's no big city in Canada that functions without a good transit system. I clearly believe this is an interest of the city, and also of the province and the federal government. So yes, I think you have a role in transit. But more importantly, if I look very narrowly at the city of Toronto, I think you have a very important interest in the city functioning in a very efficient way. It's not functioning very efficiently at the moment, and we need your help to make it more efficient. Investment in transit is going to help that.