I haven't been there myself, but I have good friends who also have attested to the timeliness of their system and how you can rely on it.
My question is, then, that while you don't see that as a model that Canada could really follow, where do you see the federal government's participation, and not just in a funding aspect? But if there is the funding aspect of it, then where is our participation in the planning on a federal basis? How do we get involved in that? What is our input into that?
You had expressed before, with Mr. Watson's question, that we had a place at the table, but what is that place? At what point do we say that funds are going to go to this city or to that city? It's nice to say that we have a place at the table, but really, what would the City of Montreal's reaction be if we were to say, okay, but all the funds are going to go to Quebec City?