Precisely. That's a great question. Just before me, we heard from a Swiss guest. There are areas where Canada is at the forefront, but when it comes to public transit and even road transportation, if you travel around the world a bit, even in Southeast Asia, you will see that Canada is lagging behind. We have fallen far behind in NIT, in applying new information technologies to individual and public transportation.
Some Canadian public transit companies have a real-time reading of where their buses are. There is the feedback for clients. There is also meshing, the so-called “cocktail transport” where you drive your car, take public transit, bike for part of the way, walk and get back into your car. How do we make those connections? With new information technologies.
A French researcher said that STM carries 1.2 million nameless people each day; in 10 years, even sooner, we are going to carry 1.2 million iPhones and BlackBerrys.
So we know who's there, but how do we talk to them, how do we make the connection? We are starting to work on that.
In the SOFIL program, financed by the Government of Canada, the iBus project is the beginning of that process. But we are a good ten years behind high-performance European or Asian public transit corporations.