Well, the fact is that we have a gigantic territory, and the ground transportation of passengers is under provincial jurisdiction, but with national infrastructures. The bridges are the responsibility of the Canadian government.
I am thinking of the Canada Line project that was built between the Vancouver Airport, the Vancouver downtown core, and the city of Richmond for the Vancouver Olympic Games. That was not a decision that emanated strictly from Vancouver. There's a perspective.
As for the competitiveness and attractiveness of businesses in the cities, the Canadian government has not yet understood the importance, over the next 10, 20 or 30 years, of the value-added effect of effective public transit. How do I move my merchandise if there is a bad traffic jam, what we call gridlock?
On the basis of that analysis of future perspectives, can we continue to see a 2% or 3% increase in single occupant vehicle use, solo driving, without having a vision whereby the provinces will do their share, and the cities will also do theirs? Our role in that regard consists in having an impact on the economy and competitiveness of Canada. This hasn't been grasped because it has probably been approached from other angles. When we were dealing with an infrastructure program, we asked ourselves: what is ''shovel ready''? It's an expression.
Clearly, when you are doing maintenance work on infrastructure, you are more willing to repair what you already have. Building a new system takes a long time.