Switzerland is a small country, if you compare it to Canada, a small country in numbers and a small country in terms of distance, with a long history of democracy. I know Switzerland well in regard to how they work and how they manage to implement their programs. I'm not sure you could apply their model to Canada.
There are so many different models: the States, France, and the Scandinavian countries. I will tell you that in all of those countries there are implications at the federal or national level for how people move around, how we stay competitive, what we call national infrastructure, and how we deal with municipalities, counties, provinces—staat in Germany—and the national level to finance that.
The clientele, the users, are absolutely not able, with all the money they have, to pay 100% of the system in any country that we know of. It's absolutely impossible to maintain the equipment, buy new trams, a new metro, and new buses, and at the same time develop a system.
So in every country of the OECD or the G-8, there's an implication, meaning that if you say “implication”, you say, okay, what is the national infrastructure, what's the forecast in 10 to 20 years in terms of the population increase in cities and how they move around, and how will traffic jams or gridlock will have an implication on, for example, the competitiveness of those cities?
That said, Switzerland, is a nice country to visit. But their train system is close to 100% electric. They have, for a long, long time, developed a system that starts from the small town and goes to the village and then to the city. It's inspiring, but we are, in a way, a long way from there.