In the papers and in discussions, we talk about concrete projects. Let me give you an actual example of a project in Bern. We wanted to create a new streetcar line in a developing region. The planning for that region is crucial. For example, we built a big shopping centre and we added a pool. There was a bus every two minutes in that region. You can imagine that it was very difficult to use the bus line in the city because of traffic jams, especially since the bus had to go by every two minutes. So we decided to build a streetcar line. The ideas materialized within companies. It was the City of Bern's company, Bernmobil. How should I say it?
Well, the City of Berne owns Bernmobil.
We then contacted the heads of the canton. They were as convinced that something had to be done, because there were so many people on the buses. They were really packed all day long. So the City of Bern, the canton of Bern, and Bernmobil sat down and came up with a project.