It is hard for me to say whether that could work in Canada. But I think it is crucial to get the public involved in the decision-making process. At the same time, that could be done differently, not necessarily through a vote.
For example, for the Tram Bern West project, we formed a group of people from all parties, district representatives, who met a number of times. We really tried to hear them out on their concerns, what is important to them and their ideas for the lines. For example, very old trees had to be cut down, which stirred a lot of emotion. We had a real discussion and I think that's important. So it doesn't have to be through a vote, but the public has to be involved.
Let me give you as an example the Stuttgart 21 project, the new railway station in Germany. Stuttgart is a big city, not far from Switzerland, where a new station was built.
It is an underground station.
That's a major project already underway and now there are big demonstrations because the public does not want it. They started discussions, but they also started to build.
So I think that it is very important and more useful to talk with the public before starting a project, sooner rather than later. It is also important that those projects really have a solid basis.