Well, both of the funds, the funds for infrastructure and the fonds pour le trafic public are both federal funds, but they get money from different places. As I said before, the fonds pour le trafic public gets money from the mineral oil tax, from the lorry tax, and from the taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, the TVA.
The infrastructure fund is also a federal fund, but the cantons are paying into the infrastructure fund because it's mainly the cantons and the city that profit from this fund. They pay into the infrastructure funds, and then they make plans. For example, all the cantons make a list of where they would like to invest the money from the infrastructure fund.
The money is allocated to projects in cities and agglomerations. If you have, for example, a valley, and you wanted make a bus office in the valley, it's not paid for. The money from the fonds d'infrastructure is just for infrastructure projects in cities and agglomerations.
The cantons make a list and, of course, all the cantons are putting many projects on this list because they want to get the money. Then the Swiss Parliament discusses these projects. They discuss where they would like to invest the money. For example, is it better if it goes into this project in the city of Berne, or is it better if it goes to Geneva, which also has a big need for projects?
They discuss these projects. As you can imagine, they are big discussions, and the cantons make different coalitions because everyone wants to get the money for their project. Normally they make a list and they try to get as many projects on the list as possible. It's the cantons that are making the lists, but it's the Swiss Parliament that discusses the list and says that the money goes to this or that project.