One of the issues will be of course all the “dedicated” issues. Of course you can have the gas tax, and it's useful and it's necessary, but there is so much you can spend. Of course it will all depend on what the cities and the provinces want to focus on.
The federal government is supposed to be there as a facilitator, but nevertheless, if we're talking about a dedicated fund, I do remember that in the first one in 1993, then we spoke about un projet structurant. So between a municipality and the provincial government was the maître d'oeuvre, and then Ottawa was there to provide if the two organized themselves.
In this case, can we have what we call…
I'm talking about flexibility because there is a difference between following up on what a municipality wants and a structuring project that may affect several municipalities at the same time. If you have just one envelope and you take all that into consideration, the per capita, and so on. That is why the dedicated fund is important.
Could we have, like at that time, an infrastructure fund with many components? There could be the "public transportation" component, the "structuring project" component and the "rehabilitation" component, for example.
Is this the kind of option you consider in your discussions?