I think Mr. Watson hit the nail on the head when he said it would take probably years of meetings to try to review all of the appointments. that is why we've proposed only bringing up two. I guess the reason these two are here is that there have been legitimate concerns raised in those communities about the appropriateness of the appointments. As a committee, we have the opportunity—I thought—to review some of these appointments.
There is a significant amount of money being spent by this government on these authorities, a significant amount of money in the salaries and per diems and the rest of this, and we want to make sure the taxpayer is getting good value for that money. We don't want there to be a return to the kinds of appointments that are put there purely for political purposes: to reward bagmen, to reward former failed candidates. The Conservatives complained about that when the Liberals were doing it. They complained vigorously about the Liberals appointing their friends—who didn't have experience in running ports—to port authorities.
We're concerned that some of those tendencies may be creeping up here. You may be able to prove us completely wrong, so fine. Let's bring these people here and find out just what their qualifications are to be paid from the public purse to run these authorities.
I understand...you haven't seen.... We review all of them in my office. I make sure that when we get all the notices of appointments from the government, we look at all of them. We look at all of them as thoroughly as we can in the time.... With some of them, little red flags go up, and we do some checking. We say “oh yes, that's okay”....
But here, we have two where bigger than little red flags go up. We have done a little bit of research on these and discovered that there were some issues with regard to these individuals.
That's all we want to do. We're not suggesting, nor would we suggest, that we would want to review as a committee the hundreds and hundreds of appointments this government makes. By and large, most of them are just reappointments of people who were appointed by the previous Liberal government—or rather, some are. Clearly there have been some changes, and clearly, the Conservative government, which complained about appointments being done for political purposes, has weeded out a lot of those people.
But when they start falling into the same traps, we want to be able to ask the questions. I thought that was a legitimate role of the committee: to ask questions of people who are on the public purse in roles in which they are being given the trust of the Canadian people. If there are allegations that these appointments are being made for political reasons rather than for good economic reasons, we'd like to be able to get at those. That's why we put these forward.