We have here a motion that does not even include a dollar figure in it. Basically, what we have is a request that a group of politicians vote to spend an unspecified number of dollars on a project that the motion describes in roughly 40 words, without hearing a single witness or being provided with a shred of background information.
By the way, you've indicated to the committee, Mr. Chair, that this body has no power to fund it in the first place.
Regardless of what one thinks—it might be the best project ever, or the worst project ever—all of these facts about the nature of this motion and the place that it's being brought suggest that it is nothing more than a media stunt. It is not designed to produce a result, but rather to produce a headline.
If every member of this committee were to come forward with a popular local project and introduce a motion with regard to it so that he or she can score a quick headline in the local newspapers, there would be absolutely no time to do the committee's real work, such as to listen to the witnesses who are here right now.
We have witnesses who are of an extremely high calibre in the public service and who are being paid by taxpayers to provide information here. They're not able to provide it, because we're debating a motion over which we have no authority and about which we have no specifics.
The reason I wanted to get this on the record now is that this is becoming a pattern with this particular member. He's on a pattern of introducing one of these motions basically every week. If every member of this committee were to introduce a localized motion every single week, we would have no time to discuss any of the pertinent matters over which we actually have some authority.
By the way, I should also point out that the Province of Quebec has not filed an application on this project, according to officials at Infrastructure Canada. He wants a committee that has no power to provide funding to authorize an unspecified amount of money for a project that the proponents have not even applied for—with five minutes of debate, no witnesses, and no background information. That says everything that needs to be said about the real purpose of this motion.
Obviously, we will be voting against it. With that, I'd like to move adjournment on the subject.