My next question is for Mr. Dudley.
Your company has a strong record helping governments, regulatory bodies, and intergovernmental agencies to design and implement climate change policies. We often talk about the health of Canada's current economy, but we see through international organizations such as the World Economic Forum—perhaps not as shining an example of an international organization as Forbes magazine—that Canada's competitiveness is falling year over year. If all our international partners all of a sudden start to move toward greener choices for their economy and Canada doesn't make those changes, we could be left in the lurch.
Can you give us a sense of what types of recommendations often give the biggest impact for the least effort in the transportation sector? Is there any apparent low-hanging fruit that usually jumps to mind when dealing with government bodies? Further, what are some of the main challenges for government organizations in implementing climate change policies? Finally, can you talk to us about the North American climate change regulatory jurisdictional review for CN in 2009, and what kind of recommendations you made for it?