As I must point out from the academic perspective, I'm not a business person, but I work with business every day, and it certainly drives much of what I do.
The ability of a company to lever costs and to buy down risk in Canada is absolutely indispensable, especially when you're dealing with companies whose headquarters are abroad, and even to a certain extent Canadian companies that have the ability to locate R and D facilities abroad. The ability to buy down risk and lever their internal funding is how they make business decisions. That's why, from my perspective, Canadian program design is so important. It's critical that companies find the skills and knowledge and infrastructure they need to do R and D here, and that the numbers work as well. You can put a microscope in Auburn Hills, Michigan, or Graz, Austria, just as easily as you could put it in Waterloo, Ontario. It's just a purchase order on somebody's part.
The fact is that we've already paid for all that infrastructure. Canada's research infrastructure is among the best in the world. That's with the high rating of our public sector research and development investments over the years. I think we're second, third, or fourth in the world per capita, but somehow or other our program design has not helped drive industry to invest in Canada as effectively, possibly, as it might have. It's not because industry's stupid or not interested in R and D, or not interested in innovation. It's a program design issue, I think.
Again, I don't want to pound this drum too hard, but I think AUTO21 has really hit upon the way to do that. We're continuously oversubscribed. We leave industry money on the table all the time. I think we could use that as a model for how Canada could go forward in a much more effective way.