As with any new technology, I believe, people are scared.
The big difference is that in the United States.... I don't want to take too long, but I'll tell you the first thing the federal government did. In California, as you know, they gave the drivers one shot to eliminate old trucks that were polluting, which was something like 500 trucks. Then they started to give grants in California, right or wrong, to all the trucks going to the ports to eliminate smog in the cities of L.A. and San Francisco and others. They gave all the supports so that everybody could switch to natural gas. Right away there was a big impact.
As well, some large corporations, UPS and others, have gone with compressed natural gas, CNG, instead of liquefied natural gas, LNG. These people started with this, but at the same time, since they had the fuel station, they decided to have some LNG trucks as well.
The states of Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah have all started to develop the natural gas side very strongly. Naturally this development has created a market of replacement parts, maintenance, facilities, and all the things necessary to support a fleet of maybe 150,000 trucks altogether.
Here in Canada we started from scratch with one truck, five trucks, ten trucks. You cannot live with one truck, five trucks, ten trucks, and I'll tell you why: it's because methane is a gas that has to be kept at minus 260 degrees. If you don't keep it at that temperature, it evaporates into the air. In order to keep your truck fuel-efficient and to keep the truck going, you have to refill your refuelling tanks every three days, at the latest.
Now, if you have one truck, five trucks, ten trucks, you cannot start a business. We quickly discovered that. The first six months we operated, we were throwing our gas away, because we were losing it. Very quickly we made the decision to expand from ten or 15 trucks. We now have 43; we will be at 70 trucks on May 1.
At 70 trucks, we will have just enough to be able to maintain our two refuelling stations, one in Toronto and one in Montreal; with fewer than that, we can't. Imagine if we are by ourselves, pulling the gas from the gas station; we just cannot do it.