I can't speak too much for the residential areas, but in terms of larger vehicles, if we I look at the U.S., they have significant federal support for new green vehicle procurements. I believe at the moment that green buses in the U.S. are funded by the federal government to the tune of around 80% of the value of the bus. That's one of the reasons, I think, that hybrid technology in the U.S. is being pushed very hard, because it's essentially funding the battery technology market.
With regard to new vehicle procurement, I think there needs to be a greater stress put on green vehicle funding. I believe the U.S. federal government has done something on this and that it is now at the stage where 25% of the buses procured in the U.S. next year will be CNG based.
I think the incentive they are providing to the vehicle buyers is that if you buy green technology it will benefit you and you will be able to transition your fleet a little more quickly.