There's a big difference. I mentioned earlier on, in 2007 a new engine came out from Cummins Westport, so from a bus perspective that was a real step change in terms of performance and in terms of what people saw from CNG buses as a fleet. So for the older buses the performance was okay, fuelling times were never particularly quick, and the engine was so-so. It was okay, but we found that among agencies that were still using CNG and were using the newer engine, it was almost transparent to the operator the type of bus they were driving. In terms of reliability it was certainly comparable, and in terms of operating performance, it was comparable.
Probably the biggest lesson that we learned from speaking to all the other agencies was: don't convert. So really they were saying, don't take a diesel bus now and convert it to CNG; buy a bus that's CNG-ready from day one. The same was true for the facilities as well. Don't retrofit your facilities, build a CNG facility and give the project a chance to work.