You mentioned the military and the enormous advances in aeronautics during the wars. The difference I see between that and the kind of investment you seek today is that the government was actually purchasing a service. It was purchasing a product. Through that demand pull, there was massive industrial development.
That is distinct from an R and D investment or an industrial subsidy. There is a big distinction between government purchasing a service or product it needs on the one hand and creating an industry on the other.
Governments during the wars did not seek to create aeronautics industries. That wasn't their goal; their goal was to fight a war. To do that, they needed flying machines that could help them fight that war. The government was basically making a commercial transaction, which had the added benefit of creating an industry, but that was not the principle purpose of the government's activity.
The reason I asked my earlier question is that if there are things that government has to buy anyway, if there are transportation services the government has to buy anyway, and you can do those less expensively or better, then we can recommend to Public Works and other departments that procure those services to ensure that their RFPs are open to bids from enterprises like yours. Does that sound helpful at all?