Once again, it all depends. We do continue to do some work at the University of British Columbia, and we do work at some other universities throughout North America. The bulk of our research and development is done at our own facilities for the early research work and the early testing work. As we get closer to commercialization, we'll typically share some of that development work with our private company partners, but the bulk of the work is still done at our facilities. In Vancouver, in fact, we just did a major expansion of our research and development facilities, with tens of millions of dollars' worth of test cells to be able to run these engines for extended periods of time.
We hire from around the world. We've actively recruited from Canadian universities, but also we recruit engineers from companies throughout the world, depending on the kinds of skill sets we need.
The bulk of the investment is done with our shareholders' dollars and in partnership with our partners—Caterpillar, Cummins, and others.