Sure. One area we're focused on is we've been able to establish the identical performance profiles of a diesel engine, for example, using natural gas. Now our goal, for example, with our research and development program with groups like General Motors is to go to the next step.
Natural gas has tremendous properties as a fuel. When you take an engine that was originally designed to operate on diesel or gasoline and you just switch it to natural gas, you're making certain trade-offs because you're using the underlying legacy architecture that was around the use of gasoline or diesel.
We're working now on direct injection technologies that hopefully will push the boundaries of engine technologies using natural gas. We're really working on how you design a natural gas engine from the ground up, thinking that it will only ever live on natural gas, and how do you optimize its performance.
Another area where we're very focused right now is on large, high horsepower engines, things like locomotive engines. The locomotive industry and the rail industry in North America is coming under increasing pressure to adopt some new emissions regulations. It's not pressure; they're actually the law. The locomotives will become quite complicated if they continue to operate on diesel. They'll have to use lower sulphur diesel and other things that the trucking industry has had to make the switch to since 2007.
In using natural gas, there's the opportunity to reduce some of the emissions after-treatment equipment and to keep the relatively simple configurations of those locomotives while using natural gas, which brings its own economic benefits.