Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Figures were thrown out a little while ago of the dollars per capita municipalities spend. I just did a little bit of Internet research, and I apologize, because I don't have any actual numbers, but it would appear that the per capita amounts taken by municipalities are actually less than inflation over the 25-year period that was being talked about. It's only a little bit less, but it's less than inflation. At the same time, at least in Ontario--I'm not certain about other municipalities--the province was strapped, and it downloaded a whole lot of responsibilities onto municipalities and has not taken them back. So I can well understand how municipalities are crying uncle, because they can't actually continue to provide all the services they provided before.
We're now entering a period in which the rest of the world has moved dramatically forward with public transit. We have very, very little real public transit in this country, from my perspective. In terms of rail-based public transit, in particular, there is very, very little in this country.
Other countries are leaping ahead of us. In China, the building program for subways and for rapid rail and for inter-urban rail is moving at an astonishing pace. Spain has built in its major cities. France and England, we know, have had better public transit systems than most of Canada for a long time, partly because they were building post-war.
What I'm wrestling with is the notion that there is a federal responsibility here. That's really what we're debating. It's not just whether there is a strategy but whether there is a responsibility. We on this side of the table believe that there should be responsibility for a portion of it. I don't think the funding mechanisms that have happened so far are too far wrong. It's been about a third, a third, and a third. It has just not been regular. We get funding in Toronto for a subway, but not for light rail. We get some funding for some rail infrastructure for heavy rail, but not a lot of it.
I guess I'm asking if a national strategy would help, even if the amount of money isn't tremendous, in making it at least appear that we're moving forward into better public transit in the bigger municipalities.