In some ways we have been, in that we worked very closely with the government on the economic action plan. I think we played a leadership role in helping to shape that with Minister Baird and his office and with your government.
As we talk about fulfilling the commitment in the federal budget about a long-term infrastructure plan, we expect to play a significant role as a partner with the federal government in thinking this through. And certainly we're not suggesting that we lie here prone, waiting for the plan to guide us all to some nirvana. We certainly have a role to play with this in terms of the thinking and in terms of the resources. And certainly, as you've indicated, each place has its local particularities that require certain leadership and certain specificity about responding to local challenges. So I don't disagree with all of that.
All we're saying is that in the context of a national challenge that we have as a country around economic competitiveness and the role of infrastructure and urban transit, within that challenge we think the federal government has a role. And it's indicated in its budget it's planning to play that role. And we're going to come to the table ready to play our role in the leadership of a dialogue around how to make this country more effective with respect to infrastructure and within that with respect to urban transit.