Mr. Chair, members of the committee, my name is Patrick Leclerc and I am the Director of Public Affairs at the Canadian Urban Transit Association. Today I am accompanied by my colleague, Christopher Norris, who is the Director of Technical Services.
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting us to testify before your committee about a possible national policy on public transit. We would like to congratulate you for undertaking a study on public transit and on the role that the federal government plays in a key sector of the economy and community development.
The Canadian Urban Transit Association, or CUTA, represents the public transit sector in Canada. Our mission is to promote the contribution of public transit to the quality of life, the environment, health, mobility and, as well, the economic development of our Canadian communities.
The public transit sector in Canada is doing well. For example, just last year, ridership increased by 4.1% nationally compared to the previous year, which represents an unprecedented peak of 1.9 billion trips.
Public transport is also an important economic driver of our communities. Strategic investment in public transit boosts Canada's productivity and economic growth. Indeed, the economic impact of transit investment in Canada is worth over $11.5 billion annually, making the cost-benefit ratio of transit investment well in excess of two to one.
The transit industry directly employs nearly 50,000 Canadians and indirectly creates an additional 25,000 jobs. Investing in public transit also reduces vehicle upgrading costs for Canadian households by about $5 billion every year.
On the other hand, lack of investment in sustainable mobility options, such as public transit, also has an impact on the economy. With nearly 80% of the population living in urban centres, commute times and traffic congestion represent a real burden for Canadian workers and businesses.
Every year, gridlock costs Canada billions in lost productivity. At a time when employment growth is increasingly concentrated in knowledge-based sectors, creating dynamic urban environments is a central part of Canada's competitive advantage. This is why an increasing number of investors and boards of trade are urging governments to work together in developing a strong and comprehensive approach to public transit.
The challenges related to mobility affect communities as a whole. In smaller municipalities, public transit plays a significant socio-economic role by allowing people to travel cheaply and to have access to jobs, educational institutions and social services. In these smaller communities, public transit uses buses, bus taxis or organized carpooling more extensively.
It is important to note the progress that has been achieved over the past decade. Thanks to contributions by all levels of government and the hard work of decision-makers and parliamentarians from all political parties, investments in public transit have significantly increased since the turn of the millennium. We want to take this opportunity to note the exceptional contribution by the federal government over the past decade. Whereas the Government of Canada's participation in public transit was non-existent approximately 10 years ago, that participation is now approximately $1 billion annually.
If we are here today, it is thanks to you. All the parties represented in the House have helped to push public transit forward and we are very grateful for this. Now, the question we must ask ourselves is the following one: what does the future hold, what should we do today to meet the challenges of tomorrow? That is the question we have attempted to answer in developing Vision 2040, a vision that takes into consideration the contribution of public transit to quality of life, predictable changes in our communities between now and 2040, the impact those changes will have on urban transportation, and the strategic goals that can ensure maximum impact of public transit on quality of life.
Among the major and predictable changes that will affect our society and our economy, we can note, among others, economic growth, the aging of the population, increasing concentration of the population in urban centres. To meet those challenges, we must propose ambitious plans and policies to ensure the smooth movement of goods and individuals and provide quality public transit services.