The only difference between us and an ordinary business corporation is that we don't have any shareholders. You need to look at us as being more or less like a customer cooperative, if you will. To the extent that we make money, we do one of three things with it: we either pay down debt, use it to finance capital spending, or reduce our charges to our customers. So the dividend, if you will, would go back to the customers in that way.
That, I think, is an appropriate way of handling what we are as an air traffic control operation: a monopoly, and I would argue one of the few natural monopolies that you would find.
How do you bridge that gap? I think that's what's unique about Nav Canada. We've done it by saying we're going to set it up this way, as a non-share capital corporation. But the people who ultimately have to pay all the bills, who are the customers, get the benefit if the business runs properly.