Today the fleets we target are more hub and spoke and they would have their own private fuelling infrastructure. Vehicles go out and come back at night. For the consumer, our belief is that it would be like in Europe. They can pull up to a fuel station and get gasoline, diesel or LPG. Again I think it is an evolution, and probably in the next four to six years you will start to see stations.
I don't know the terminology here in Canada, but the BPs of the world, the Shells, and the Conocos will have gasoline, diesel, and LPG, so that consumers can pull right up just like they do today and get propane auto gas 24 hours a day. I do see that coming. There are some challenges that we need to get resolved and hurdles that we need to clear before we can go there, as Cameron mentioned in his presentation.
Some of the rules and regulations just don't make sense. Today in the United States, I have to wear gloves and goggles to fuel a propane vehicle. There is no emission when I fill that vehicle. In Europe, a quick connect nozzle is used. Any consumer can pull up and fill their vehicle. They're not wearing gloves and goggles. I think it's a misperception issue and it's an educational issue.