Could I put in a quick point?
The government is heavily invested in this right now. This Canada fleet we put up in the presentation is owned by the government. It's provided to the railroads free to transport grain for Canadian farmers. This has gone on for quite a while. The government has already invested in this sector, and because of that investment, the railroads over a period of time have not had to invest in this equipment.
Now you're asking the railroads to fix this problem because the government hasn't kept up. Number one, it's our view that it's too big a problem for the railroads to fix immediately. They won't have the capital to invest in this. Number two, they'll take an awfully long time to get this done, and number three, with all the changes that are happening in agriculture in western Canada and right across the country, we don't have the time to waste, because we're going to blow our opportunity in international markets. I don't think any Canadian wants to see that happen.