Thanks, Dwight.
Mr. Chairman, I'm mindful of the time, so maybe what I'll do is just skip to our last slide, which is a conclusion.
I again thank the committee for taking the time to look at innovation and technology. This has been a very quick snapshot of the kinds of investments our industry is making. We are very engaged in information technology for a range of uses. We're collaborating with government, and we want to continue to work with government in a collaborative way. The other point I would highlight is the fact that we're making these investments in a voluntary way as part of our own striving for sustainability and efficiency. In many cases, we're enhancing the use of rail, which prevents further traffic from travelling on public highways and public infrastructure. We'd remind the committee that the rail sector is a privately funded sector that pays for all of its own track and maintenance, and even policing, which is obviously a lot less of a burden on government.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. We'd be happy to entertain questions.