Thank you for that question. We'd be very pleased to talk about it, and yes, we do get it. We can't be doing this. That is why we're putting the money forward now; we started about a year ago. Of course, it started by fact-finding, as every good project does. So we started tracking bears that had transponders on their collars. We instituted a procedure whereby any train crew who mad a bear sighting had to report where that sighting was, because the first thing was to determine why the bears are on our tracks and the second thing was to determine where they are entering the tracks.
So yes, we do have, as you said, a vacuum truck working continuously to clean up any spilled grain, but more recently we determined, based on these studies, that bears find the track is a neat way to get from A to B. It's the path of least resistance, so they use it as transportation, and we have to stop that.
We've now mapped all the locations where bears tend to access the tracks. First, we make sure there's fencing, but also, where they are able to get on the tracks, we are now putting down studded mats around the tracks that are uncomfortable for them to step on to access the tracks at that location. We have also been experimenting with a device on locomotives that gives them an advance warning that something is coming at them. We've had to do quite a bit of research on that because they have to feel it's a scary thing. If it's just a threat, they just get their hackles up, but if they feel something scary is coming at them, there's a chance they will stay away from the tracks.
We're also looking at sending drone aircraft ahead of trains, or possibly our track inspectors having a device that produces a signal that scares the bears.
So lots of things are going on. As I've said, we're one year into a very serious attempt at solving this problem.