The two-part answer is, first, as we stated in our request, when a regulatory body or an act is created, by design, it cannot keep up with the innovation that comes. So our request is that within that there be an opportunity for innovation to come to that regulatory body with a request that says, “The spirit of this act is this. We believe we are meeting it, but we need this to be considered on an individual case basis.”
In terms of transportation and the petroleum industry, the act is very necessary, and it's critical that the traditional diesel fuel and petroleum gasoline that is generated meet the requirements. We support that, and we don't question the value of ultra-low sulphur diesel. However, when we're tackling a global waste management issue of haz-mat, innovation can take time.
HD-Petroleum is not a research and development company. We are a for-profit company that feels we need to get this product to the marketplace as quickly as we can. We do have very encouraging results coming back from some of our next generation testing and innovation for the removal of those last few parts of sulphur. Just so you understand, sulphur gets more difficult to remove the lower you get. The last few percentages take more energy to get out than the first 30%, so as we get to those last few percentage points, it becomes challenging. Some very encouraging results are coming back; however, it will take time. In the meantime, each day that we are not in production in an area that waste motor oil is indiscriminately burned or disposed of in a way that isn't helpful to the environment...we could be providing that 96% solution to northern power generation, northern communities, and areas of the country that simply do not have the population centres for a traditional refinery.