I am going to speak in French.
I am from Montreal. We celebrated Car Free Day but since there has been so much construction, this has been a car-free summer for me. The roads have been blocked for a long time.
I hear many people talking. I am going to play the devil's advocate and also the role of a citizen. I saw the list. We talked about adding $45 to vehicle registration fees. We are talking about a new Champlain Bridge with a toll. What do you think?
Regardless, there will always be cars. We cannot say that it is one or the other. A reality exists and we have to be flexible. How flexible are you in your planning? Where should we get the money?
The money keeps coming from the same pocket. Given the current economic situation, it may be counterproductive to impose too many taxes on people and ask them to pay too much.
These are important external factors to consider when making political decisions. We have philosophized and developed concepts together but we have to remember the reality of the user who has to pay and the worker who has no choice because there is no public transit system. Even if we did provide a public transit system, some still might not be able to access it.
In addition, although the region is 80% urban, there is also a rural reality. We cannot ask people who live in rural communities to move to the city because that is where the action is.
That's the reality check.
How do you manage to make sure that, through those examples I'm giving you, that kind of strategy is doable?