Basically we need flexibility through a national strategy. It's not a one-size-fits-all situation, and some events happen, like the Olympics, which is great, so we can adapt ourselves.
How would you proceed with what I would call a new deal with different levels of government? Because at the end of the day, the Constitution remains. You cannot get involved in a provincial matter. From a federal perspective you cannot go directly to municipalities, because they are provincial creatures. But at the same time, there is a new reality that in those big cities you have to do something about it. The future of Canada clearly goes on at the rural level, of course. But for the future of cities like Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, and so on--I can say Winnipeg for the purpose of the reality too--how can you manage that new deal? How do you perceive it? Do we need a new federal-provincial-territorial conference with all the other stakeholders?
We already invest some money through infrastructure. We put some money into public transit, but frankly it's not just putting some money into some events or infrastructure; we need to look ahead. If we want to have a vision for the next 20 years, how concretely could we manage that kind of new deal with the workers, the employers, and the governments?