It was. We would add that is there is probably value in doing a set-aside for different levels of community. There's probably value in having a set-aside of new funding. For example, cities under 20,000 people would need such and such a set-aside, with others for cities of 20,000 to 100,000, 100,000 to 500,000, and so on. Probably that's necessary because otherwise the big cities would gobble up all the money. Within the boundaries of setting limits and criteria for submissions for funding, there is probably value in doing some set-asides for those reasons, but we believe that the local communities know. If there's a need for a forum of discussion about what's working, then maybe there should be one. I'm not sure the government should be organizing it, but there sure ought to be one.
On October 17th, 2011. See this statement in context.