The way it has been working under the Building Canada fund, under the stimulus spending, we would probably want to debate the criteria that have been included and those that would be included in the next version of the Building Canada fund. But at the end of the day, to us it's all about the degree to which the federal government is prescriptive with the money. Our concern is not setting aside the money. We think the federal government needs to set aside money. Our concern is whether the federal government will get too prescriptive about how it gets spent.
For example, if we say it has to be certain kinds of buses in Whitehorse, or it has to be certain kinds of this or that in another place, that's something we're not comfortable with. Frankly, we're not totally comfortable with there being a discussion only within the boundaries of transit. We think it has to be a truly tripartite discussion between transit, roads, and cycling infrastructure. To that extent, in our view it can sometimes be too narrow to confine it within the boundaries of transit.