All I’d say in response to that is that I appreciate your intervention.
When I watched the Minister of Transport speak in Halifax in June to 2,000 mayors and councillors, he gave every indication that in this new era of a majority government, the Building Canada fund was almost committed and that there would be governmental response to the legitimate concerns being expressed by mayors and councillors, one of which is public transit. Those mayors and councillors were, as they always are, very respectful to all the political leaders who attended in front of them. This year the Prime Minister couldn't attend, but the Minister of Transport received a very polite response.
Those mayors and councillors are saying the same thing that we're saying here today: there's a huge municipal infrastructure deficit that affects the quality of life in communities everywhere, and it needs attention, not exclusively from the feds, but the feds have to be part of the solution. I agree with their comments and the polite but firm position they took in Halifax, and that they actually took here a week ago with you.