Thank you for the question.
Certainly the federal government has a role. As we know, funding for some of the infrastructure comes through the federal government through gas taxes and what not, but we found in our federation, much like in Canada, that a lot of the expertise on the transit and roadway use comes from the local level, the provincial and municipal level. We have experts in our clubs who work with their local governments, and we support them with data to help them with their local governments.
So yes, there is a role, we believe, for the federal government, but I think the decision-making for the most part rests with the local municipalities, because one system that works in Winnipeg, for example, will not be the same that will work in Vancouver. We've seen different infrastructure investments in the different provinces. As we see in Montreal, obviously there's a high priority on bridges and viaducts and what not, which would be quite different from Edmonton or Calgary. So we really need the local governments to be involved in that debate.