Yes, but it wasn't to negotiate a contract. It was to negotiate a remedy with the arbitrator ruling on which service level agreement would in fact prevail.
I want to address something else you said. I agree with you on competition, but I'm not sure that we're clear on the level of service that's being provided. I'd like to correct one thing, and you can ask others here about that. Since the government committed to the legislation, we've heard that service has improved. I can tell you that it hasn't. I can tell you that as recently as two weeks ago we had mills just about shut down because they couldn't get boxcars in western Canada, and not just one. Whether that's coincidental with a broader understanding of Bill C-52 and perhaps the fact that it is balanced versus a shipper bill that would have levelled the playing field—and that's our language—I don't know.
I can tell you that the operating model that our merchandise members are used to is their asking for 40 cars, being told that they could get 30, and then receiving 20. I agree with you that competition isn't going to solve everything. It's not going to make it a perfect world; it can't, and we don't expect that. But, Lord, we expect an improvement. It may be worse than you folks realize it is.