You are entirely correct. It is 100% the public who provide the revenue, regardless of the type of government.
However, I would like to say something about a statement you made when you said people think there is a river of money. When I gave my presentation, I do not think I ignored the reality. We are aware that there are specific issues and there are difficulties, whether it be at the federal, provincial or even municipal level. There are no rivers of money. Today, what we have explained to you is the situation as it relates to the programs that have been set up. However, I would also not want to present a different picture of the situation.
When you ask me why the ratepayers in a municipality do not pay for all of the services, the best example I can give you, since we are in the national capital, is the one of Ottawa or Gatineau. Municipal responsibility cannot be transferred solely to the ratepayers of the city of Ottawa when it comes to infrastructure. There are many aspects to be considered. Some people live on the outskirts and use the public services in the big city. Those services are often intended for a larger community than a single municipality. That is why my answer is yes, when you tell me they are the same people. However, should the residents of Ottawa be the only ones paying for infrastructure for all of the people, whether they be visitors, or workers, and so on?