I don't think we can be dogmatic on these things. The private sector builds public sector infrastructure, almost universally across Canada. It is not a role for the public sector to build a hospital or build a superhighway. Public employees are in a maintenance function when it comes to highways and roads. The capital works are done by the private sector.
Where we get into trouble is when we're trying to stretch dollars. We have a multibillion-dollar infrastructure deficit and we want to do more projects, so we're mortgaging debt. This is where I believe governments, maybe municipal governments, get a little too exuberant. I think you have to separate the P3 proponents from the sober, independent assessment of P3s. It can't be in the same office. I'm not saying people aren't honest and don't work hard, but you have to separate those functions.
I think Manitoba may be onto something right with its legislation, which is not dogmatic. It requires independent objective analysis up front, and it requires transparency. There is also a public hearing requirement, something absent from Lansdowne.