I think our suggestion is a fairly soft suggestion. We're not suggesting that every municipality has to contract out if they're going to get funding. Again, we're not rigidly ideological about whether public or private is better. Both bring things to the table. Both have strengths and both have weaknesses.
In some cases, it may not make sense for a municipality to contract out, but what we're suggesting is that part of the formula should be some evidence that there was at least a study done or a pilot run--some evidence that the municipality gave consideration to this tool. And that's really what it is: contracting out is a tool. It doesn't work in every circumstance. You don't use a hammer when you need a saw, but when you need a hammer, it's a good hammer, so use it. That's what we're suggesting. You may want to make it a requirement that they look at whether it would make sense in their community and, if it does, that they try it.