Closed competition, Mr. Reid, I think it was you who mentioned that the Greater Essex County District School Board was one area where you are shut out of competing. Penny Allen, who is superintendent of business and treasurer of the school board, has been quoted in the media, citing that the extra costs associated with closed tendering are in the range of 10% to 20%. She knows that because for three years, I think it was, she tracked every purchase order on this to extricate themselves from one of six unions they were certified under.
That is an example where we have a body that has been able to quantify the costs of closed competition. That doesn't involve federal funding, but I think it gives a credible local example where that happens.
Open competition has its own challenges, the practice of using MERFs, market enhancement recovery funds, STABs, stabilization funds, and JTFs, job targeting funds. Mr. Kooy, does CLAC use MERFs or STABs or anything similar when it's hoping to bid on contracts?