We've always said that we support diligent, vigilant environmental assessment. Our problem is that we have to wait for that green light to go on to develop a project. The worst thing that can happen is that the green light goes amber or goes red because of lack of certainty of the process, and that's what has been causing the problem.
Absolutely we want to see an environmental process that truly hits the intended purpose of the legislation, that lives up to that standard. But we want to ensure that when that process is undertaken, it's done on a timely basis and it's done on a certain basis, so that when the green light goes on and allows our members to develop that project, we can go with confidence, knowing that the light is not going to go amber or red again because of the assessment process being questioned or because of overlapping jurisdictions.
That is the problem. The problem was never one about protecting the environment; the problem was about the red or green tape that was associated with an uncertain, unclear, and untimely process.