Let's come back to what I talked about last week. I want to come back to where I thought you were trying to take the bill. I'm not sure that you put enough emphasis on it. Where is the moral imperative here? Whether you're a union worker, a non-union worker, in a closed shop or an open one, I don't care. I don't think the taxpayer particularly cares as long as it's what we used to talk about: equal pay for work of equal value. It's almost that scenario.
From a straight fairness standpoint, what's your perspective? I think I have a sense of it, but I need to hear it clearly. How is it fair that people, just because they do not belong to an organized labour organization, should be shut out of the ability to quote?
By the way, I think the contrary is true too—it shouldn't be the other way either. People who work in a union environment should not be shut out of quoting in any municipality just because they belong to a labour union. Do you have a thought on that? I want you to be really clear so I can understand this.