I'm really getting tired of the anti-union spin that we're hearing all the time. Some of it is true and some of it is not. You stated that there's a loophole. The loophole was actually put there by the Mike Harris government—not you, Mr. Harris but the other Mike Harris—in 1995, when the Labour Relations Act was amended. They had eight years to fix it, but didn't fix it, so there must be something that even the Conservatives in Ontario thought was okay.
I note that Melloul-Blamey, and Mr. Melloul, have contributed to Mr. Harris' election, so there is a pretty close relationship between you two. I know that in the federal sphere, corporations are not allowed to donate to political parties or to candidates, but provincially, that's still allowed and that happens.
In fact, some of what is being complained of is about competition, and that some non-union contractors just don't compete, yet they want to blame something called a closed shop, which isn't actually a closed shop. In fact, earlier Mr. Kooy talked about Manitoba Hydro being a closed shop, and it's not. In fact, contractors have been successful in getting Manitoba Hydro contracts.
So there's an awful lot of misinformation being spun here in order to try to suggest that the rules are bent—and I know we're only talking about Ontario and Manitoba, really—in favour of certain trade unions. We've heard anecdote after anecdote, but nothing really concrete. In fact, we have a Labour Relations Act in Ontario that says if a trade union manages to become certified with a city, that this trade union then becomes represented. That's the way bargaining works in Ontario, and in Canada, in fact. I don't hear anybody here saying we should have a system whereby the people who work here on Parliament Hill should suddenly have to toss away their union certification because the government would like nothing more than for non-union people to come in and start doing the jobs here on Parliament Hill, yet that's what's being suggested here.
The other thing you said, Mr. McDonald, was that the U.S. is a mass of corruption because of project labour agreements. Do you have evidence of that?