Thanks for being here, gentlemen.
The question of municipal revenues is an interesting one. Stats Canada data demonstrate that municipal revenues have grown by 70% in the 10 years from 2001 to 2011. In the same time, inflation and population growth have totalled 30% combined. In other words, revenues from municipalities have vastly outpaced the need over a 10-year period. A similar trend, though not as pronounced, was present in the previous 10 years. So over the last 20 years, municipal revenues have been growing vastly, more quickly than has the need, as evidenced by inflation and population growth.
On top of that, the federal government has uploaded municipal costs by becoming a major funder of capital projects. In the early nineties and before, there was no federal funding for municipal infrastructure, zero. Municipalities provided that service without any help from the federal taxpayer. Arguably, according to municipalities, they had fewer traffic problems and shortfalls then than they do now.
Why do you think this massive growth in municipal revenue has failed to satiate the demands of municipal leaders?