I would submit, similar to what has already been said by Mr. Miller, that we wouldn't be terribly concerned at the end of the day as to how that money was spent, whether it's up front or a reimbursement of receipts after the fact, considering that the allotment has been granted.
To go back to your original question about allowing municipalities and provinces to self-govern, if you will, versus having more of a hands-on approach, at the end of the day micromanagement doesn't work particularly well in any realm, whether it's government, business, labour, or what have you. But I would also submit that when you look at the amount of federal funding that goes into these projects, the federal government obviously has a very significant interest and is a major stakeholder. I don't need to tell this committee that.
At the end of the day I'm less concerned about the mechanics and the types of conditions that you would place upon it. There certainly is a very keen interest that ought to be taken when you look at the amount of money that's coming out on this.